Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is RomanceBookCloud (RBC)?

RomanceBookCloud is an online collection of romance ebooks of all genres available 24/7.

How many books are in the Collection?

A core collection of 1700+ titles.

Where are the Titles From?

We have partnered with a handful of well known and respected romance book publishers – including Wild Rose Press ( Winner of Preditors and Editors Publisher of the Year in 2016) Vinspire Books, Belle Books, Bold Stroke Books, and Tirgearr Publishing. Their lists include NY Times, USA Today, and Kindle best sellers as well as numerous romance book award winners. The titles and authors are well known and beloved by romance book readers and reviewers alike. It is an amazing collection!

What genres are you offering?

Almost everything under the sun. From contemporary to historical to regency to paranormal and LGBTQ, and much of everything in between. Only romance. All day, and all night

The collection only has romance titles?

Yes. It is a library and community for romance book lovers. It will be a destination site for your romance loving patrons.

Why RomanceBookCloud over other ebook Offerings?

We all know that romance book fans are the most voracious readers in the world. Which is why RBC is such a great fit for the public library setting Our collection is unlimited and unrestricted.

No software downloads
No check outs
No holds
No wait periods
Just click and read

Our motto is Read to Your Heart’s Content, and we mean it!!

So the books can’t be downloaded?

No. They are only available online. It is why we are able to offer unlimited access to as many books as you can read. Internet connection is becoming more and more ubiquitous.

It actually sounds pretty good. How much does it cost?

A one year subscription, with unlimited and unrestricted access for all patrons of your library, will range between $799 and $1499 depending on population size served.

Here is the breakdown:
$799 under 10k
$999 10k-50k
$1299 50k-100k
$1999 100k-200k
Above 200k, email us for pricing

Do you Provide Usage Stats?

Of course! Like all TumbleBook databases, you will have access to a TumbleAdmin to view your reports.

What about authentication?

Yes! All part of the package. As well as icons and banners for your website.

How can I check it out?

We are in the process of up loading titles and tweaking our features.

If you are interested in a trial and a quote, please reply to this email and we will set up a sneak peek